Charitable Contributions


We are registered as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) with the State of Vermont and the IRS. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible.

Help Support Us!

As you may know, our department operates largely on the generosity of our community members. Your contribution will be utilized to further our mission to:

  • Purchase updated firefighting gear to protect our volunteers as they respond to emergencies.

  • Purchase, maintain, and upgrade essential equipment such as breathing apparatus, turnout gear, radios, pagers, and hoses.

  • Fund training programs to ensure our team is prepared for any situation.

  • Contribute to our reserves.

We are incredibly grateful for any support you can provide. You can donate by check or electronically by following the instructions below:


To donate by check please follow the instructions below:

  1. Make a check payable to “Winhall Fire Department”

  2. Optionally include the donor form.

  3. Mail check to:

PO Box 141
Bondville, VT 05340


You can securely contribute to the Winhall Fire Department electronically by making a donation through Stripe:

Stripe QR Code

Your generosity directly enhances the department’s ability to serve and protect Winhall Vermont and its surrounding communities. Thank you for helping us protect it!